
Star Wars - Chapter 78

All chapter are in Star Wars

Star Wars

Star Wars - Chapter 78
Everyone got off the car at the gate, and then walked past Guard-1 Type 001 one by one under the guard of the armed guard team to undergo virus inspection to confirm that there were no undetectable mild infections. The survivors, supporting each other, walked past Guard-1 Type 001 curiously. After entering the gate, the first thing they saw was the bright national flag fluttering in the wind.

"This is the first time I find the national flag so familiar to me……"One survivor said

"Yeah, we didn’t care before.……"

Looking at the national flag, most of the survivors felt a sense of belonging and intimacy, and their originally terrified hearts calmed down a lot.

There was nothing to do with the Rubik's Cube next. Everyone washed up, had a meal, and arranged accommodation and rest. Zhang Xiaowen was too lazy to take care of these tasks and simply threw them all to Teacher He. After eating, she ran to the Rubik's Cube's research center to sleep. After saying hello to Zhang Xiaowen, the Rubik's Cube took off again and headed to the city to absorb metal.

Anyway, there was nothing urgent, and the Rubik's Cube did not intend to waste energy to fly over. After flying to the national highway, it flew lower and lower, and finally flew along the asphalt road of the national highway.

Click... Ding...

It directly changed from a remote-controlled helicopter to a remote-controlled racing car. After a few sparks were rubbed on the ground, the transformation was completed. The motor roared and sped at high speed. More and more leaves fell, and the leaves behind the car were rolled up and fell. The reflections of the big trees on both sides of the road and the reflections of the blue sky and white clouds on the front windshield kept flashing, and the picture looked very beautiful.

When passing by those farmers' homes again, I found that the survivors who came out of the city were participating in labor, and the two idiots were building a wall.


The Magic Cube drove by with its headlights flashing wildly, horns and sirens blaring, and disappeared at the end of the national highway amid the inexplicable cheers of the two stupid young men. After all, they were neighbors, and greeting each other was normal communication.

"Long live the God of Cars! So cool!"

"Drift! Drift! I love you, God of Cars!"

The two foolish young men stood on the wall and cheered. Suddenly, they were stunned and felt something was wrong.

"Wait... why are we both cheering for him? He cut my crotch last time.……"


The two were dumbfounded again……


With lights flashing and sirens blaring, we arrived at the suburban intersection and turned the steering wheel sharply to the riverside road.

There was still a lot of metal that had not been absorbed in the trading company we found when we left the city last time.

This time, we would absorb all of that metal first.

It is estimated that with so many people coming to Longshan Camp at once, they need to adapt and adjust these days.

There is nothing to do for the time being, so we might as well absorb it here for two more days.


The machine gun stretched out from the roof of the car and aimed at the zombies blocking the road ahead.

Dadada... Several zombies were hit by bullets and fell to the ground with a few bangs. The Rubik's Cube passed through the gap in the middle. These were old men and women who came to the riverside to exercise in the morning. They have been exercising here since the zombie crisis broke out...

After rushing for half a day, we finally arrived at the trading company.


While driving at high speed, it suddenly jumped up and quickly folded, rotated, twisted and transformed into a robot form. It slid forward on two wheels and two feet like roller skates. It jumped again, jumped onto the roof of a private car, slid over, landed and turned, and came to the door of the trading company building.

"The leader of this company is a good person and a friend of alien civilization. If necessary, I will activate the bank computer to transfer money to you."Muttering a few words to say hello, he climbed up the stairs and went into the company building.

The metals were still the same. No one would live with a pile of metal at this time. The Rubik's Cube lay on it and entered the absorption state.……


Xin'an Town Camp.

In the afternoon, a helicopter landed on the camp grounds. Six people came out of the plane. The first one was a man wearing glasses and a suit. The other five were fully armed soldiers. Unlike the student soldiers in Longshan Camp, these five people looked like tough soldiers. You could feel the pressure from them after just a few glances.

The mayor of Jiangcheng City and a group of temporary officials stood by to greet the man in glasses and suit in the wind from the helicopter. If you looked closely, you could see that he was sweating on his forehead in the strong wind.

"Ah~ Welcome Secretary Huang.

Welcoming Secretary Huang in the midst of disaster has given us all hope and……"Before the fat mayor finished speaking, the man in glasses and suit gestured to find a place to talk.

The fat mayor hurriedly led the group to a villa.

The fat mayor was nervous while leading the way.

He was afraid that his indulgence in the past few days had been known by the higher-ups.

He originally thought that order had collapsed and he could be a local emperor for a few days.

Unexpectedly, he received a communication from his superiors in the blink of an eye.

Based on his performance in the early stage of the disaster, he might be shot ten times.

Should he kill these people and silence them? When the time comes, no one will know if he pushes them onto the zombies...

Just when the fat mayor was thinking about it, he suddenly found that a soldier looked at him, and that look seemed to see through everything he was thinking, and the fat mayor trembled immediately.

After entering the villa, Secretary Huang did not sit down, but took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to the fat mayor.

The fat mayor took it and saw it. His legs softened immediately. This was not the boring document of the past, but a notice of execution for himself!

"Secretary Huang...I have been wronged...Can you please report this to your superiors...I have really been wronged……"The fat mayor collapsed to the ground and wailed for mercy, while other officials stood there trembling and dared not move. Who dared to rebel with the fat mayor? Today they could send a light helicopter, but next time they might send a group of armed helicopters. Rebellion is courting death.

Secretary Huang���A soldier nodded.

The soldier grabbed the fat mayor by the collar and dragged him outside. The 200-pound piece of meat was easily dragged to the door of the villa. The survivors nearby watched the once powerful mayor wailing as he was dragged out. The soldier threw the fat mayor to the ground, then took out his pistol and shot him in the fat head.

Bang! At the same time as the gunshot, the other officials shuddered. To put it bluntly, the camp only had some ordinary policemen, who were not at the same level as the professional soldiers. They were worried and relieved at the same time. It seemed that the execution of this fat man in front of him was just to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, so that it would mean that they would not be executed in the future.

Secretary Huang waved his hand to let the other personnel go out, leaving only five soldiers and a group of officials.

Star Wars

Star Wars - Chapter 78

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