
Star Wars - Chapter 81

All chapter are in Star Wars

Star Wars

Star Wars - Chapter 81
A tiny hatch on the side of the Cube starship opened, and five reconnaissance aircraft and five fighter jets that were originally parked on the apron flew out in a line and headed straight for the star field where the reconnaissance aircraft that discovered the signal was located. The Cube decided to conduct a detailed investigation of the signal, and the fighter jets were responsible for temporary guarding and protecting the six reconnaissance aircraft.

The five drones and five fighter jets started thrust in turn, forming a row of diagonal lines and instantly disappeared far into the dark space...

This universe became busy because of the existence of the Cube.


On Earth, on a street in Jiangcheng.

The Rubik's Cube transformed into a remote-controlled helicopter and flew towards the roof of an empty building with air currents. It planned to test its long-range sniping ability. This way, the chance of discovering evolved zombies would be greatly increased. It might be impossible to snipe fast-moving zombies from a long distance for the time being, but as long as it absorbs more metal, it would be able to achieve long-range and accurate killing.

Buzz buzz buzz - it's windy today. The Rubik's Cube floated to the rooftop against the strong wind and then landed and transformed into a robot, lying on the edge of the roof of this 30-story apartment building to search for evolved zombies.

Flutter... a group of six black crows landed from the sky on the lightning-proof steel bars on the edge.


Six crows with red eyes screamed at the Rubik's Cube, and they smelled a strong virus smell all over their bodies, which was very disgusting. There were blood and minced meat on the big beaks and claws of these six crows. It was obvious that they had just finished lunch and came up to bask in the sun. As for the food, it must be moldy zombies!

"I hate being stared at by you stupid viruses. I want to see if falling from such a height can kill you bastards!"

Ka-ka! His left hand turned into a small machine gun and aimed at the six crows.

Da-da-da... a burst of dense bullets was fired, and the six crows basking in the sun suddenly had black hair flying and flapped their wings to struggle hard. Four of them fell out of the building on the spot, and the other two were beaten to pieces. The four falling crows stumbled on the building and hit the air conditioners, leaving a black feather. After a few seconds, they finally spun and hit the ground, immediately attracting several zombies to share the food.

"These stupid bacteria." With a few clicks, he retracted his machine gun and continued searching. What he had just done was just dessert.

At the same time, on the roof of another tall building,

"Why did those crows suddenly fall down just now? Is there someone up there who can deal with four crows at once?"The girl carrying the sniper rifle sat on the rooftop and used a scope to search the rooftop of the apartment building where the Rubik's Cube was located.

The circular scope screen swept back and forth, and suddenly, a little reflection caught the girl's attention, but when she looked over again, she found nothing.

The girl was sure that there was absolutely no reflective glass or anything like that up there.

It must be that some master was doing something up there, but how did he disappear again?

Just as the girl was about to continue observing, there was a sudden bang, and the staircase door on the rooftop was knocked open, and a bloody figure ran out of the stairs! This bloody figure was missing a large piece of meat on his chest, and he was staggering as if he would fall down at any time.

"Zombies... run... cough cough... they are the powerful zombies……"

The few people who stayed on the rooftop turned pale when they heard that.

They looked at the bloody figure with complicated expressions and quickly locked the staircase door.

They also moved a lot of heavy objects to block the door.

Their faces were not very good.

Powerful zombies refer to the terrible zombies that are powerful and as flexible as humans.

Last time they saw this kind of monster, one teammate did not come back.

Unexpectedly, only one person came back from the team that went out to search for supplies this time.

I'm afraid...

this person will not live long.

"Ah Tao, I'm sorry."

A man in sportswear holding a machete said to the bloody man

"No... no no... I'm not infected... please save me... I won't!"

Everyone turned their heads away and didn't look at the man named A Tao. The machete came up and the head of the injured man named A Tao flew down from the roof. The eyes on the head that was spinning and falling down the building still revealed unwillingness.……

"He has lured the powerful zombie up here, everyone get ready for battle! Life or death depends on this, wait for the powerful zombie to break through the door and quickly block the stair door, otherwise a group of zombies will come up and we will all be doomed!"The girl said, carrying a sniper rifle and half-knelt on top of a large air-conditioning machine, with the muzzle of the gun pointed at the stair door.

One second... two seconds... ten seconds... but after waiting for a while, there was still no movement...

Everyone stared at the stair door blocked by the debris with their eyes open and breathing rapidly. It's not that the guy won't come, but they don't know when he will come. This kind of time is the most torturous.


A young man standing behind the door swallowed his saliva. The sweat running down his cheeks was particularly obvious in the sun. It felt hot when it flowed into his eyes. His palms were full of sweat, so he couldn't hold the machete steadily. Time passed by. Didn't the powerful zombie notice the blood trail left by the idiot A Tao? Then he wouldn't have to die today?

Just when everyone thought that the evolved zombie would not come up and just breathed a sigh of relief...


The pile of debris shook! Everyone was shocked. That guy came, and he appeared just when everyone was relieved. I really don't know if it was accidental or intentional.


A layer of cement ash fell on the cement door frame, and a bulge appeared on the iron door. Everyone cursed those black-hearted businessmen in their hearts for building a shoddy building. It would fall off after a few hits! If the concrete was qualified, there would be no need to worry about the monster breaking through the door.

The sound of banging on the door continued, and the debris kept moving backwards. The cement slag on the door frame fell faster and faster. Perhaps it felt that the door frame was not solid, or perhaps it smelled the large amount of flesh and blood outside the door, the evolved zombies banged faster and faster...

Boom...! The tofu dregs of concrete finally couldn't withstand the impact and the door frame fell off. Then a naked male zombie wearing tattered pants squeezed out from the crack of the door!

""Ouch!" The evolved zombie roared and ran towards the nearest man holding a machete. This was the first time many people had seen a zombie that ran like a human. It was about to catch the man with its waving claws! Suddenly, the girl who was half-kneeling on the air conditioner pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in her hand.

Bang! The huge recoil made the girl's shoulder numb. Swish! It was difficult to aim at the running evolved zombie. The bullet grazed the evolved zombie's cheek and made a bloody cut before flying past. It was just a little bit away from killing this terrible devil.……

"Damn it!" The girl quickly pulled and pushed to load the sniper rifle again.

Crash~ The evolved zombie took a machete on his shoulder and used his hook-like claws to grab the man's abdomen and chest and tear it apart. The man's internal organs immediately flowed out of his body! This bloody scene scared all the survivors on the roof to death, and their already little fighting spirit collapsed and even feces and urine flowed out.

Star Wars

Star Wars - Chapter 81

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