
Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 385

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Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 385

After watching more than 900 people collapse to the ground in an instant like wheat being cut, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet and strange.

On another carriage, Bai Choufei saw this horrifying scene and felt a chill in his spine.

This, this, this - this was actually done by the neurotic little girl before?

What kind of cultivation realm is she in?

Even the master of the celestial grandmaster realm couldn't withstand a single blow from this girl?

"very scary……"

Wang Xiaoshi was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Just now, he was kicked to the ground by one of the more than 900 people.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoshi knew very well how powerful the opponent was.

He thought that this time today, he would be in trouble, and he would have to answer the question here.

As a result, the screen changed, and there were more than 900 men in black who had surrounded everyone just now.

But now there are silent corpses lying on the ground coldly.

In the center of the field, heavy rain began to fall.

Yinggou stood in the rain, with a calm expression on his face.

She looked at the sky, with a nostalgic smile on her face, and murmured with emotion:

"It's been a long time since I've been rained on like this."

"call out——!"A wooden stick flew across the sky.

It drew a precise parabola, then fell from the sky and hit Ying Gou's head accurately.


The wooden stick made a crisp collision sound with the forehead.

Wang Xiaoshi and Bai Choufei immediately looked in the direction of Li Yuanying with astonishment.

Is this Yuanying young master so bold?

How dare he provoke such a terrifying female evil star?

Li Yuanying ignored the reactions of the others, but preached silently:

"Ying Gou, did you do this on purpose? I just asked you to kill a few people, is it necessary to make it so bloody?"

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such an outrageous method of killing. It's ok that you broke someone's bones!

After breaking them, you dug them out and used them as weapons?

And you specifically attacked the heart and head?

Look at it now! The ground is full of red and white. If my fellow martial artists saw this, wouldn't they say that Li Yuanying of Cangjian Villa is some kind of demonic force?

Ying Gou spread his hands and asked:

"There is no other way. I am used to killing people like this. Otherwise, how do you think my name of Minghai Wu'an came from?"

Good fellow! Your Minghai Wu'an is filled with a sea of blood, right?

Li Yuanying was speechless, while Huang Rong and Wenrou in the carriage were already trembling with fear.

Although they had been calling her sister before, in their hearts, they had always regarded her as an innocent and lovely sister.

Now, they just want to kneel down and kowtow to this elder sister.

I'm sorry, I was really rude to you before.

"Oh, be more careful next time. You made such a big noise, what should you do if you scare the kids in the martial arts world in the future?"

Li Yuanying looked at Ying Gou helplessly, then waved his hand and summoned the Huangquan Sword Pill.

That's right! This sword pill was the tenth sword pill he had condensed in the copy world before.

Especially after letting this sword pill absorb the power of the Huangquan Devil Fruit.

He found that now this sword pill can actually strengthen its strength by absorbing the souls of others.

So, with a thought, the Huangquan Sword Pill flew rapidly towards the corpses.

After passing these corpses, the surrounding souls were all absorbed by the sword pill.

And during this period, Li Yuanying also unexpectedly discovered that among this group of black-clothed people, the Tianxiang Sect The residual souls of the master and several Zhixuan grandmasters were actually directly absorbed into the cave heaven in the underworld.

Ah? After killing people, can you still take their souls into the underworld to continue to squeeze them as coolies?

Inexplicably, Li Yuanying felt that he was a little evil.

So, he quickly used the Burning Fruit of Sunflower Sword Pill to burn all the bodies of the black-clothed men into ashes.

In order to prevent others from seeing the miserable state of these corpses and having any unwarranted associations with him, the young master of Cangjian Villa.

This is the behavior of Jianwan, please do not blame the master!

After the burning of a sea of fire, only piles of gray-white ashes were left on the ground.

"Well, this way, it's not as disgusting as it looked just now."Li Yuanying nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Xiaoshi and Bai Choufei were trembling with fear again.

Didn't they agree that Mr. Li Yuanying is a genius in swordsmanship?

Why is he so familiar with murder and arson?

For the first time, the two of them deeply understood Realizing that this world is too dangerous.

Compared with others, they are like newbies who know nothing about the world!

Especially Bai Choufei, who has never traveled around the world under various identities. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0Flowers 0Bai

Youmeng, Bai Yingyang, Bai Youjin, Bai Jinlong, Bai Gaotang, Bai Ming, Bai Yicheng and other names were all his names Pretending to be a fake identity.

However, Bai Fei has always had a concept, that is, everyone below the innate warrior is just cannon fodder in the world.

A middle-level person.

If a sect can have a warrior like Grandmaster Vajra, it can become a prosperous one.

Only a Zhixuan Grandmaster like him can be called a true master in the world. A big shot.

Yes! Although Bai Choufei has always been used to being forbearing, he is proud to classify himself as a big shot in the world.

This time he plans to go to Bianjing in the Song Dynasty to truly become famous.

In other words, the great master of celestial phenomena who was the leader of the group of men in black was the target and the pinnacle of his pursuit. The reason why he did not set his goal at the level of land gods was because Bai Choufei had never come into contact with a real land god.

Therefore, he has always lacked imagination for the existence in rumors, and it has a sense of unreality like listening to fairy tales. However

, today, the lack of imagination in his mind has been truly made up for. Land gods? ? []

A master as powerful as a master of heaven and earth can only be crushed to death like a chicken.

The number of warriors is completely meaningless to such a being.

Is it the real world in the legend?

So what are the achievements that he thought he had made in the past?

For a moment, Bai Choufei felt his belief in life wavering.

Before that, he had always been shaken. He looked down on those martial arts families and sects.

He felt that no matter how good their birth conditions were, they would all be trampled under his feet in the end.

Until today, he suddenly realized that there was still a gap between martial arts families and aristocratic families. There is no difference.

It is really unimaginable that a little girl next to Li Yuanying can possess terrifying strength that makes the entire world tremble.

No wonder the Great Song Dynasty is so afraid of those martial arts sects and respects those martial arts masters. God.

Can you chase such a person and an opponent?

Người mua: Longdz.

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 385

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