
Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 386

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Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 386

After a while, Bai Choufei's face showed an excited smile again.

He is Bai Choufei, and his desire to fly will never die!

Do you want to make Bai Choufei convinced by external things such as family background, background, and blood?

It's impossible!

Wang Xiaoshi rubbed his injured chest, sat back in the carriage, and then said with lingering fear:

"Dabai, Mr. Yuanying and his carriage are continuing to set off. Do we want to follow? I always feel that the things we cause are nothing compared to the situations others encounter."

The group of people he met in the inn yesterday, the strongest ones were only at the second or third level of Xiantian.

Who would have thought that just today he followed Mr. Li Yuanying out of Xiliu Town, and he was immediately surrounded by hundreds of people.

Yes. Fortunately, these people weren't here to deal with him, otherwise, his life would have been decided here.

"Of course I will follow him."Bai Choufei said with a firm face.

"""Two, five, seven"? Aren't you afraid that the same thing will happen again? Why do I feel that continuing to follow Master Li Yuanying is much more dangerous than traveling alone? Wang Xiaoshi asked in astonishment.

"If we hadn't been traveling with Li Yuanying today, we might not have had the chance to see such a scene for a long, long time in our lives. Compared to a little danger, don't you want to see a wider world?"Bai Choufei smiled happily and asked back.

After saying this, the burden and depression in his heart seemed to be completely removed.

It turned out that he, the so-called master of the Zhixuan Grandmaster, was just an ant and cannon fodder in the real world. Even the

Tianxiang Grandmaster was just an insignificant supporting role!

Before this, he always felt that if he could live as elegant and majestic as Su Mengzhen of Jinfengxiyu Tower and Lei Sun of Liufenbantang, his life would be worthwhile.

But after experiencing the shock of the scene he saw just now, Bai Choufei understood.

Su Mengzhen or Lei Sun.

These people are just like himself, and they are also at the bottom of the well.

Although he is a worm at the bottom of the well, those Tianxiang Grandmasters are just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well.

And now, the carriage in front of him with Li Yuanying sitting in it is the window to look at the boundless sky.

How could he, Bai Choufei, give up and miss it?

""Okay, follow me." Wang Xiaoshi calmed down and finally made a decision.

After all, every insect has the desire to look at the stars!

On the carriage in front.

After Ying Gou dealt with the group of men in black, she consciously withdrew from the control of her body.

So in the blink of an eye, she restored her sister's secondary personality.

The sister herself didn't feel that it was strange that she suddenly lost consciousness.

She just kept blaming Li Yuanying for throwing her down so suddenly.

Yes! From the perspective of the sister, the group of black-clad men who disappeared mysteriously just now had nothing to do with her.

How could her sister be a big devil who kills without blinking an eye?

These guys must be too timid and were all scared away.

In the carriage, Huang Rong and Wen Rou hid behind Li Yuanying trembling.

Among them, Wen Rou carefully pointed at the sister who had returned to normal, and asked puzzledly:

"Brother Yuanying, what’s the matter with the tone of sister’s words just now? Why did she suddenly become normal after returning to the carriage?"

"Do you know what it means to have two souls in one body?" Li Yuanying thought about it, and then answered the two women.

"Brother, are you saying that there are two souls in my sister? Was it actually another sister just now?"Huang Rong's eyes widened.

"Yes, the other sister's name is Ying Gou. Anyway, the journey is long and boring, why don't I tell you a story, also a story about two souls in one body."Li Yuanying suggested

"Okay, okay, brother, tell me quickly"

"But Zixia and Qingxia, they were originally the wicks entangled with each other when the Buddha sat down on the stage.……"Li Yuanying began to tell the story of Journey to the West.

Half an hour later……

"Finally, Zhizunbao put on the tight hoop and turned back into Sun Wukong. He had a great enlightenment and decided to follow Tang Seng to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures.……"

Before he knew it, Li Yuanying had reached the end of the story.

After hearing the story, Wenrou burst into tears. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She asked in great sadness and confusion:

"Woohoo, how could this happen? Why can't Zhizunbao be with Fairy Zixia in the end?"

"So is the elder sister Zixia or Qingxia?"Huang Rong's mood was a little more stable.

She wiped her tears and looked at the elder sister who was driving outside the carriage.

Li Yuanying glanced at the elder sister and hesitated to speak. At this moment, the elder sister was trying to feed the mosquitoes with her blood.

Obviously, the elder sister did not listen to a word of the story he just told.

It's a pity that her cultivation has already reached the realm of earthly immortals.

No matter how hard the mosquitoes tried, they could not pierce her skin.

So, Li Yuanying silently compared the elder sister with Qingxia and Zixia.

In the end, he gave up.

"Sister is neither Zixia nor Qingxia. In her previous life, she probably had one head and two heads....0" Li Yuanying answered very sincerely.

He swore that this was the most sincere sentence he had ever said in his life.

However, as soon as he said this, Sister, who was obviously not interested in the story of Journey to the West, reacted immediately after hearing someone's complaints.

"nonsense! My brother is the Erha, and I am the Daha."A sister argued with reason.[]

After hearing Sister A's answer, Huang Rong and Wen Wen suddenly burst into laughter.

For some reason, the previous fear of Sister A's powerful strength also dissipated at this moment.

As expected, she is still the lively and lovely sister.

As long as this doesn't change, no matter how strong her true strength is, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of her.

So, the group continued on their way with a cheerful atmosphere.

The two carriages passed through several towns this time, but they never encountered an assassination or provocation from any unsighted person on the way.

However, as they got closer and closer to Bianjing of the Song Dynasty, the group could clearly feel the chill and coldness of the surrounding environment.

The carriage was walking on a deserted market street.

Looking around, he could see figures with solemn expressions and swords in hand gathered in those unowned houses.

After noticing this, even Wen Wen, who had no experience in the world of martial arts, realized something was wrong.

"Brother Yuanying, are they waiting for someone?"

"No, people have already arrived. They just weren't sure yet to completely keep each other, so they didn't rush to take action."Li Yuanying glanced at the figures under the abandoned houses in the market and replied calmly.

"Huh? 3.3 arrived early? Who is that person? Huang Rong looked around curiously.

"Look, the one in red sitting on the high platform in front. He is the young master of Jinfengxiyu Tower, the first sword of Hongxiu, Su Mengzhen."Li Yuanying pointed to the high platform in front.

Li Yuanying knew very well that Su Mengzhen appeared in the widest field of vision when he knew that someone was going to assassinate him.

The reason was that Wang Xiaoshi, who was escorting the token, could notice him at the first time.

To be honest, this is another heroic figure full of chivalry, courage and heroic spirit.

If Su Mengzhen had not suffered from a serious illness and was sick all over, and had been tortured by the disease for many years, his achievements would have been far more than this.

However, such a person is destined to be used only as a friend in the world.

As for recruiting him into the world to serve as a subordinate?

I'm sorry, Li Yuanying doesn't think he has that kind of patience and personality charm..

Người mua: Longdz

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals

Zongwu: My family tree is full of land immortals - Chapter 386

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